Thank you <3
With this recent Fulfillment Sale completed, I wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to participate. As my wife and I packed and shipped the orders, we were honestly overwhelmed with the support that we have received from nearly every corner of the planet. My wife wanted to get a map and put a pin in every country we have shipped to this sale, but I talked her out of it because that sounds like a nightmare and I’ll likely end up with pins stuck in all my fingers. Plus, what do you do with the damn thing when it’s time to move?
We also want you to know that we’ve read all of the kind emails and wonderful notes of encouragement we’ve been receiving over the past week. One individual even sent us a package full of candy from overseas, and we ate the hell out of it while packing orders. Kinder Bueno was my personal favorite.
Over the past two months, I have spent over 530 hours casting keys. My wife brought me meals to the studio and stayed up late with me every night, and she spent a ton of time washing and drying keys right along with me. There were a lot of late nights, sleepy caffeine runs, and the sounds of me screaming into the void when Doordash kept forgetting to include plastic utensils in my deliveries. I actually used two popsicle sticks once to pick up rice, holding them like shitty chopsticks. I wouldn’t recommend it.
Once production was finished, we spent a straight 28 hours packing and dropping off orders at the post over the weekend. Oatmeal, our bunny, personally ate two paper invoices beyond recognition, so I think we’re going to promote him. Regional Logistics Manager sounds fitting.
The amount of work that goes into these sales is staggering, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. There’s nothing quite like making something from nothing, only to send it halfway around the world to somebody who will love it.
Anyway, we really hope you enjoy your keys. Thanks for letting us make them for you.
- Kyle
Please, if you have any issues with your tracking or your order, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Whatever the problem is, I’ll do my best to get it fixed. Emails will be crazy for the next week, but I’ll be replying to them all day starting Tuesday.
It so hard be good
Post-Sale Update #5
Things are wrapping up here at the studio, and I’m preparing to start shipping all packages this coming week. While I had hoped to get them out this week, some delays (had to order more materials) pushed me back a couple of days. Right now I’m in the sanding/washing/finishing process, which will be finished by Sunday or Monday at the latest, and then the packing and shipping will begin. I expect to start printing off labels and ship packages starting on Wednesday-Thursday (October 2-3rd). These will be dropped off the day that your label is printed, so there won’t be any significant delays between receiving your tracking and starting to see it move. Over the past month I’ve been dedicating 10-12 hours per day to this sale, and the shipping process will be no exception. All packages will be in the mail (not just label printed) by October 4-5th. There will be no delays or exceptions to this deadline.
I will be updating the wording of the email that comes along with your tracking, so everyone is aware of the shipping process.
I made some changes to the bags that have been used this past year, and gave them a splash of color. These will be standard with all sales going forward, and I think they look a lot nicer than the previous bags, and I hope everyone enjoys them. They don’t really have Scratch and Sniff technology, that would be stupid.
Also, please understand that there will be some delays on email responses during the next few days as I concentrate my efforts on shipping. Chett is still responding to address changes, etc, but if you need to contact me personally, please give me a few days while I wrap the sale up.
Finally, if you find one of the five resin skulls (they aren’t keycaps) in your package, please contact me at with a photo of the skull to receive a special giveaway package. There are only 5 of these skulls available, and the winners have been selected at random. More details about the skulls will be revealed in the post-sale email.
I can’t wait for everyone to receive their keys!
Post-Sale Update #4
Hey everyone!
The Fulfillment Sale will be shipping out soon, so I’m blasting out an update to everyone via email as well as posting here. Production has gone really smooth over the past few weeks, and things will be wrapping up soon. I feel extremely confident about the October 6th cutoff date for shipping, and I plan to have everything out nearly a week before that date.
Since shipping out a sale of this magnitude is a learning experience, I’ve been faced with a number of challenges that I didn’t anticipate. These kinds of challenges are good, because they help me grow and learn how to serve everyone better. Being a one-man shop isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but I’ve made several improvements over the course of this sale that should positively impact the future of KeyForge and your personal experience with my work. I know that there are a handful of people that have experienced large delays and shipping problems, and it’s been my top priority to make sure that those are completely eliminated going forward.
New KeyForge Studio, which has been essential for creating and shipping out this sale. I moved in at the end of August when I realized that I was quickly running out of space.
One of the main issues that I’ve faced this past year is disorganization, mostly due to the fact that it’s hard to keep things together when you’re working at home. Being a husband and a dad always comes before keycaps, but you quickly find that those roles can easily expand to fill your entire day if you aren’t careful. My daughter is now in Elementary School, which makes me feel old.
Moving into a new space allowed me a lot of freedom to keep things organized and separated from my home, and mentally separate home and work. It’s allowed me to focus on important parts of the business that have been neglected over the past few months, like these email updates.
So far, having the new space has been incredible for productivity, and it’s kept me ahead of schedule for this sale.
Key production is going much smoother now, and I’ve developed several new processes that helped me ensure the key quality is consistently excellent across batches and colorways. In fact, I believe that this sale has the most consistent coloring and overall quality that I’ve ever been able to achieve. Nearly 80lbs of silicone has been used in order to produce the keys for this sale, which is something I wouldn’t have been able to even fathom a year ago.
Things are on track to be shipped out on time, and I actually anticipate shipping everything a week early from the October 6th deadline. Once I finish up production, packages will begin to ship daily in waves, starting the last week of September. Once you receive tracking, your order will be dropped off/picked up the following day.
Finally, I want everyone to be aware that there will be shipping issues, it’s inevitable with a sale of this size. I’m doing my absolute best to keep things as organized as possible, but there will be address problems here and there, etc. If you are affected by an issue, I will have Chett (Support) handle them in the order they are received, but know that it’s my goal to get these solved as quickly as possible, with minimal effect on you. In the past, it’s been difficult to solve post-sale order issues, and generally I take way too long to get them out. This is because life moves on after a sale, and generally I have a fresh stack of responsibilities I have to tend to that conflicts with solving random order issues. Sometimes keys are lost in the mail (generally international orders), which put me short on inventory and it means I have to color match and repour keys, which can be a pain. To solve this, I have poured a handful of extra keys in each colorway that exist for the sole purpose of handing order issues with minimal wait on your part. In the past I haven’t really done this, and I’ve recognized that it’s essential to prevent people from waiting long periods of time when they experience an issue.
Shishi sticker, drawn by an awesome member of the community. These have been made into stickers and will be included in Fulfillment Sale packages. In the future I will be selecting more artwork submitted by the community for sticker production, so submit your entries to
Recently, we welcomed Tsuki into our home. She has an illness that requires her to take medicine each day, but she’s been a wonderful cat and treats the bunnies gently.
Know that I appreciate the support from all of you. As KeyForge grows, I’m constantly reminded of the thousands of individuals who believe in this work and want to see it pushed forward. Your support has allowed me to create keycaps as my full-time job, which is something that I never would have dreamed of.
Thank you, everyone.
Post-Sale Update #3 (8/24)
Production is going along smoothly, with over 1/3 of the total keys completed. I am still on track to ship all packages before October 6th Packages will start to go out during the third week of September, and will finish the first week of October. I had one of my air compressors fail yesterday, so a new one will be here on Monday. I keep a pancake compressor in case of emergencies, but man those things are loud.
I will be tackling Lord of Saliva this coming week, which I’m excited for. I enjoy all of my colorways, but I’m particularly proud of these keys.
I will be printing off shipping labels in weekly batches to keep things under control and organized. I will be sending out a mass email on the third week of September with the nitty-gritty details of shipping for everyone.
At this time I would ask you to please check your shipping address included on your Paypal invoice. Understand that the section of the entry form that asked for your address was to help prevent bots, not to actually collect your address for shipping (this will change next sale, I realize it’s confusing). The address used is the one associated with your Paypal account, so please make sure that is up to date and accurate. I will make any adjustments to addresses needed over the next two weeks, but once your shipping label is printed, it’s final.
Send all address change requests to
Please do not contact me on other platforms for order-related issues.
I will be providing an album of photos next update. I’ve been so busy with production that I haven’t had time to take all the photos I wanted. The keys are looking great, and I’ve made really good strides with uniformity and color this sale. While each key can be slightly unique due to the casting process, I’ve tried my hardest to make sure the colors of each batch are identical.
Post-Sale Update #2 (8/6)
All invoices have been sent, and various support tickets asking for address and order changes are being addressed. We appreciate your patience as we work through all the communication.
Right now I am estimating about 8-10 weeks for production and shipping, due to the large amount of orders. I’m setting the official Cutoff Date as October 6th. Any orders that have not shipped by then will receive a shipping refund for the wait.
The main focus right now is getting all invoices squared away and addressed fixed before moving to production, so mistakes don’t need to be corrected later. Once keys have begun production next week, I will post photos.
1. This is a GB-Style sale, which means these keys will be made to order, and all orders will be fulfilled. Keys will take approximately 4-6 weeks to produce and ship. Updates will be provided to all winners via email, and a firm ship date will be set once all invoices are out. Any orders that are not shipped within the promised time frame will receive a shipping refund.
2. You may choose ANY of the keys above (limit one of each colorway), and you will receive those keys.
3. Use the Google Form to choose which caps you would like to be invoiced for.
4. Updates will be provided on a bi-weekly basis to all entrants via email.
5. “Lucky Dip” means that you will receive one of the pictured sculpts in the colorway at random.
There will be extra free keys sprinkled into people’s packages at random.